How to Put a Teenager in Foster Care the Right Way

Your child may be entering those years in their development where they are counteracting everything that you say. Soon enough the constant back and forth may turn into them just outright doing whatever it is that they please and getting themselves into all sorts of trouble.

If that’s the case, check these out first.

However, if it’s something you can no longer handle, then you have the option of voluntarily placing your child into the foster care system to get them the help and guidance that they need.


How To Put Your Child In Foster Care?

ways to put a teenager in foster care

When you place your child into foster care voluntarily you have the option of choosing where your child ends up and provide a guideline for how they grow up or you may prefer to not deal with any of that at all but instead have the system decide for you.

Depending on the circumstances that are causing you to place your child in foster care you may decide that you want to have frequent visitations with your child or you may even decide that you don’t wish to see your child, whichever you decide is best for all parties involved in the process.


Safe Families for children

safe families for teenagers

This is an organization that provides care for children within a family that may be experiencing an emergency situation that makes it difficult for the parents to provide and care for their child. There are many reasons that children end up in this type of program but the most popular reasons have been:

  • Illness within the family: whether it be the child or parent.
  • Incarceration
  • Homelessness: families, unfortunately, lose their homes every day and your child may need a safe place to stay.
  • Drug dependency
  • Domestic violence

The average time a child tends to spend in this program is approximately six weeks but you can place your child in this program for a little as one day. Any family that wishes to be a part of this program and potential house children all have to go through an extensive check into their background.

It is important for you to understand that this type of program is not run by the state though it is similar in the way it operates. This means however that the process of getting our child back is much easier.

Also, understand that if your child happens to be the victim of any form of abuse they will not be eligible for this type of care and you will have to go through the state foster care.


State-run foster care

If you’re looking to place your child in state-care you can make a call to your local social services agency or child protective services to get more information and guidelines you may need to ensure this is right for you and your child.

Depending on the state that you live in when your child is placed voluntarily into the foster care system you may be asked to pay a percentage if not all of the expenses it may take to care for your child.

It is important to know however that if you plan to take back your child into your own care you may have difficulties receiving back your child. You need to understand that your child has now become a ward of the state.

This means that they will be giving certain benefits that you may not be able to provide for them and when you decide to take them back they will lose these benefits as well.


Other options

foster family for teens

It is not uncommon for an extended family member to take off your child during a time when you are not able to adequately provide for them. Though this type of process may not include legal paperwork it is recommended that you take the necessary steps to include this.

Some states, however, will allow you to temporarily place your child with a family with nothing more than a note that would allow your family member to provide medical care and enroll them in school or daycare. This is still a process you will need to go to the proper authorities to have it dealt with accordingly.


How your child may be feeling

No matter your situation I think it very important for you to take into accordance how your child may be feeling.

You don’t want them to think you are neglecting and giving them up and end up with a life resentment against you especially if you intend to receive your child back. If you are planning to just have your child handed over and no further contact this may not be that big of a concern for you.

Research has found that many children are less likely to accept the need to place them into foster care. They may or may not depending on the situation, no child likes to be moved without any preparation. This may cause them to further rebel if this is the issue you are having with your child.

Temporary foster care may turn out to be the best decision you can make for your child but it is important to ensure they know why and figure out which process is best for you and them.