Best Organic Baby Cereals With Reviews – Which One Should You Choose?

Cereals will give your baby the right nutrition to make them strong and healthy enough for immunity. There are many brands that you can choose in the market while finding one should not be a problem, choosing the best organic baby cereals can be a bit challenging, especially if you do not know what to look for. Luckily, it is important to know that all the reliable offers come with impeccable hallmarks that can help you to differentiate them from the rest. See my reviews below for more information.


Shipping weight

Editor's rating


Happy Baby Organic Probiotic with Choline

3.7 pounds

Gerber Organic Single-Grain Oatmeal

4.3 pounds

NurturMe Protein Packed Quinoa Organic

4 ounces

Earth's Best Organic, Whole Grain Oatmeal

8.3 pounds

Happy Baby, Happy Bellies Organic Oatmeal

1.1 ounces

Happy Baby Organic Probiotic Baby Cereal

This is one of the most popular choices that you can opt for. It also enjoys a remarkable reputation and comes with Choline. The multi-grain, 7 ounce canister comes in a pack that contains six and is ideal for your baby’s first solid meal. It includes a blend of oats, quinoa and amaranth for nutrition. Choline supports eye and brain health and there is extra iron for the brain as well as probiotics to improve digestion.

It is USDA approved and supplies 20% of the required daily calcium. Happy Baby is known to provide 100% organic products without any additives, preservatives or sugars. It is also kosher and the packaging also contains no BPA.

Gerber Organic Oatmeal Cereal

This is yet another top contender and it comes in a pack of six 8 once containers containing oatmeal cereal. Like the former, it is USDA approved and features iron for brain health. Gerber is a popular company and a leader in infant/child nutrition.

What’s more, all their products are made with natural organic ingredients and there is no GMO. Rather, you baby will get calcium, iron, Vitamin C and six B vitamins. It is also formulated to support learning and promote healthy growth. It is also easy to mix and no digestion problems have been raised.

NurturMe Quinoa Organic Cereal

NurturMe has been providing top nutrition safe infant meals for many years and are known to focus on ingredients and alternatives that have better nutritional value. The protein packed 3.7 oz quinoa is a perfect way to replace your rice cereals and gift your baby all the health and nutritional benefits of quinoa.

There are enough proteins including essential and non-essential amino acids, and natural fiber that acts as a probiotic for better digestion. Active antioxidants are also included to ensure your baby’s immune system is strengthened. Science has already proved that quinoa-based products are more healthy and nutritious for babies than traditional rice-based ones and NurturMe provides the best for the money.

Earth's Best Whole Grain Oatmeal Cereal

If you are still looking for the best option, this is the one! Earth’s Best Organic provides whole grain oatmeal choices enriched with iron, dietary fiber, vitamin and minerals. There are no refined sugars, salt or preservatives and all the 12 8 ounce packs are made with organic whole grain oatmeal.

If you like you can choose those with fruit and there are some 60 different varieties to try out and make every meal interesting. There are several tastes and textures to suite your four months+ baby and they can also be enjoyed by adults.

Happy Baby Happy Bellies Oatmeal Cereal

This is another high quality product by Happy Baby and features iron, choline and probiotics to improve brain health, eye and digestion. Happy Bellies is made from whole grain oatmeal and has no soy or dairy product.

No preservatives, refined sugars and additives are added to the organic ingredients and it is also 100% GMO-free. This option is formulated to improve your baby’s growth, strengthen their immunity and promote better eye and brain health.

How to buy

As aforementioned, almost all the options that you find will be promoted as the best which is not often true. As such, it is important to carefully review the offers you get before spending your money of cereals. And here are the things you need to keep in mind when buying.

Reputation from previous users

Before you start picking up anything, it is advisable to find out what people are saying about the particular brand and company. User reviews, comments, complaints and testimonials can provide sufficient insights to help you decide whether a given choice is right for your baby or not. If you notice many complains and negative reviews, it should be enough reason not to use such cereals since reputable quality will generally have a good review among users.

Ingredients used

Babies are very delicate and can develop various complications if you do not watch what goes into their system. It is good to read through all the ingredients included and do a little research to see their impact. Your baby may be allergic to different ingredients which you need to keep out of their diet. Reading through the ingredients will also help you estimate the nutritional value and identify potential additions that could impact your baby’s health.

Quality guarantees

Some products sit in the shelves for too long and are arrived with only a few days remaining before they go bad. Logistic issues may also interfere with the quality of your deliveries. To ensure you get the exact quality ordered, it is advisable to shop from retailers who deal with good guarantees.

There are also other small aspects to review including affordability, customer service, timely deliveries, communication and various payment options. As a general advice, you should first review all the other aspects before looking into price matters. Once you have 2 to 3 offers that depict ultimate quality cereals, proceed to compare their prices. Some retailers offer discounts and free extras when you purchase in bulk. You can therefore shop around to find competitive advantage and save more money.