Parenting can be tough to most people. It’s indeed a tough job that requires a lot of attention and supervision. Trying to follow up on your child every time on whatever he or she is up to is a huge task itself. Studies show that parents of well-mannered and organized children enjoy parenting more as opposed to those whose children weren’t exposed to good organizational skills at an earlier stage. Here are a few tips that can help you teach your child on how to be organized.
1. Let your child help you with a few errands
The best way you can possibly teach your children about responsibility is by giving them a chance to help out in some few errands. It doesn’t have to be any form of tedious work; simple things like letting them choose the grocery for you or feeding your pets will go a long way in educating them on the rewards of responsibility. This will also strengthen your relationship with your child. Children want to feel useful, and once you give them that sense of belonging everything else will fall into place as far as matters concerning your child’s behavior are concerned.
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2. Teach your child to give away what is not in use anymore
First of all, this helps your child acquire good morals through the act of giving what he or she is not using anymore. Besides that, you also teach the child the importance of spacing and organization. It is very crucial for your child to know how to keep things less bulky and piled up. You can encourage good tidy habits by making sure your child’s room is always organized. Let them do it themselves, although there is no problem in helping out where you can.
3. Introduce your child to checklists
Teach them at an early stage to always keep a “to-do” list with them. You can do this by always creating a list of your own for assigning them household chores or any other assignments you would like them to do. This will teach your child about self-initiative, that they do not have to rely on your supervision to carry out any activity. You can also encourage your child to always be numbering every assignment in the order by which it should be done. To make it easier, he can always start with the one that is not too challenging for him.
4. Allocate a preferred study area
A study area will ensure that you do not get books and crayons littered all over the house. A study area will act as a small library for your child. Keep all the books and items nearby for easy accessibility; also make sure that the area is far from any distractions or noise. In the event your child wants you around as he or she studies, you will find that it will be easy to monitor them and ensure good study habits.
5. Create a study time for your child
Let your child keep in mind that at a certain time he or she is required to study. Although, do not set the time right after school, this because children need that time to unwind and play. It is also crucial that you let them play a part in making this decision, by doing so; your child will develop a good attitude towards school work. You will notice that studying will become more of a voluntary habit rather than a forced one.
6. Encourage regular clean ups
Teach your child to always sort things out in order on a regular basis. This can be by ensuring that all books are put in the right place and everything is in good condition. Old books and papers should be filed separately and put in their own category.
7. Teach them to always prepare ahead
Make sure that before your child goes to sleep, the next day’s clothes and books are well kept and ready. This helps a lot in avoiding the morning rush and confusion. It goes a long way in developing good time-keeping habits for your child. This will make them more responsible even in their future engagements.
8. Set a good example
Make sure that you set a good example for child in terms of tidiness and organization. Allways remember that children are always watching and that they emulate what they see. You can start by creating your own checklist and let them help you out with it. It will help in affirming the entre routine and give it more meaning. Children tend to adapt quickly, repetition of the same routine day in day out will help the habit stick for good.
9. Come up with a household schedule
Every activity in the house should have some time allocated to it. Try coming up with dinnertime and bedtime schedules. It helps by putting your child in a regular pattern at home; he or she will automatically fall into this routine. It also makes things easier since you won’t have to keep following up on your child.
10. Create a master calendar for listing all family commitments
Keep a calendar noting down all family commitments. This can be schedules for upcoming holiday getaways, extra-curricular activities or exam dates. This will help in avoiding scheduling conflicts of each family member’s engagements and also help you keep track of your child exam periods. This way you can easily monitor their reading patterns and help them prepare accordingly.
Parenting should be fun and a long term learning experience. The above tips will help you gauge yourself and ensure good morals for your children at the same time. The key thing to remember here is to always lead by example. Once you make it a family thing, children will be more than glad to follow behind. In the long run, you will discover that your child will develop even new healthy habits in their life and not just in household chores. It helps by putting your child in a regular pattern at home; he or she will automatically fall into this routine